No it won't do that... but it makes some simple changes that make all the difference. And that may be why many people say it changed their lives.
It's been a favorite of Dentists and their organizations for decades. Now the FDA has issued a warning about it.
What’s this surprisingly pleasant way to garner benefits like reducing your chance of dying if you have a heart attack, plus reducing your risk of heart disease, helping fight weight gain, help with ADHD and Autism, Allergies, and More? It's not a new fad diet, it's not anything to do with what foods you eat, it has nothing to do with any nutritional deficiency, or nearly anything else you might think of.. it's ...
There are a lot of people avoiding grains in their diets, and with good arguments for it. And a lot of people who have serious problems with grains… like gluten intolerance or celiac disease obviously need to always avoid grains. But it seems some of us may be avoiding them when we shouldn’t. Recent studies have found that grains may help us live longer and avoid heart disease and cancer. And that's not all...
Most people who think of “fighting aging” think of one’s appearance — of “showing their age”… wrinkles, looking tired, having less energy, etc. But there’s a pretty important one that left unattended can lead to such things as: Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, and Respiratory Disease. And, for women, it’s recently also been linked to: Elevated risk of esophageal, breast, and gallbladder cancers. What is it?
If like most people you want to get and keep your immune system working as well as it can, and also your loved ones immune systems working well, it's important to ensure the vitamins and nutrients you take in are being fully utilized to maintain a strong immune system. Guess what... studies have confirmed that an item you may have on hand can help in that regard....
The habit, although it’s so ever-present it may be more of an environmental thing than a habit…has been reported to cause all kinds of risks and damage to people’s health, but this is a new one… increasing a person’s risk of colon cancer by 60%. But it is a risk you CAN control... you just need to know of the risk, and the possible controls...
Did you know that if you follow the advice to eat probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and sauerkraut to help improve your gut health — or if you take probiotic supplements for that purpose — you still have to “feed” those probiotics to get them to stick around long enough to be of benefit to you? You do... and we just read about a study that found a very popular and good-tasking snack type food is really good at this.
I couldn't quite believe that dogs could be that picky... until our own dog gave me that dirty look....
We've all been told we should do this for our health, but in the overly-busy culture we live in, most people just don't have the time required to get those benefits. But guess what... there's good news for those of us who "don't have time"... it turns out even a little of this can result in very significant health benefits....
This habit is so enjoyable some people regard it as their little luxury... and now it's been found to reduce the risks of both heart attacks and strokes...
Could This Old Stand-By really fight off the damage many say is caused by what has become known in some circles as "the worst environmental toxin of them all"?
An "activity" most people would never associate with avoiding dementia has been found by researchers to have merit in that regard, and they also found out why...
People seem to find it fascinating when changes can be seen and even measured with its use in animals, who don't "imagine themselves producing more milk", or whatever...
The products and the information provided about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problems or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a health problem. Note: Willard Water is not available for sale from us for use as a livestock feed in Iowa due to labeling requirements.