Without question, the number one cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. is heart disease. In fact it is said that every several minutes, 2 or 3 people die of heart disease
We were amazed to read about a “habit’ that was studied and found to reduce the risk of heart disease by 28%, and strokes by 26%. And it wasn’t a small study of just a few people for a few weeks… it had 30,000 participants followed for 19 years! The study was done in Japan. And its finding were really surprising to us. We were even surprised to learn that this “habit” was ever even studied. We’re sure glad someone got the idea to study it, since it would seem to off er a lot of benefit, and can’t get more “natural” than this.
Have you guessed it? Drum roll… it’s taking a daily tub bath. Yup! Taking a daily tub bath was found to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes by 28% and 26% respectively.
WOW! We never saw that coming. But, given the fact that most people do find tub baths relaxing, it’s not hard to believe once you think about it for a minute… but we’re still surprised it ever got studied. Good for those researchers!
The bottom line was that after accounting for all potentially influencing factors, the data showed those 28% lower risk of heart disease, and a 26% lower risk of strokes, in people who took a daily hot bath, compared to those who took a tub bath only once or twice a week, or even no tub bath at all.
The researchers said the risk reduction was most likely due to the fact that tub bathing resulted in lower risk of hypertension, which is a major risk for both heart disease and strokes.
The researchers also analyzed what impact the water temperature had on the results. They found that warm water brought about a 26% lower risk, but hot water lead to a 35% reduction in risk.
But hot water baths come with a warning… as people get older, hot water can sometimes lead to overheating and confusion, so be sure to go with the water temperature that is comfortable for you with no overheating or confusion.
And, since this study was done in Japan, the participants used the common method of bathing in Japan which is to have the water up over one’s shoulders. To do that in an “American” tub you will probably have to get the tub full, and sink down somewhat to cover your shoulders…. Which could be tricky for people with some conditions or balance issues, etc., so again, do what is comfortable and in keeping with any health conditions you have.
There are other natural ways to help one’s blood pressure, of course. And some nutritional supplements that are often mentioned by natural health experts (as always, we remind you we are NOT experts of any kind so ask an expert to be sure).
One of the things often suggested by those experts is to eat more fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, or taking an Omega-3 Supplement, for heart health.
In addition, Vitamin K-2 is reported to help keep your blood vessels elastic by protecting elastin… a protein that helps to keep vessel walls “pliable”.
Another nutrient that is widely known for its importance for heart health is CoQ10. It works as an antioxidant working for heart health, and for slowing down the effects of aging, “powering” trillions of the human body’s cells. It is especially known for supporting the heart muscle.
Some common medications can deplete your body’s supply of CoQ10, which is one reason that even mainstream medical doctors often support the scientific evidence that taking CoQ10 in supplement form is beneficial, even though the body does naturally produce CoQ10… but given the fact that medications and some other things can reduce your CoQ10 levels, it makes sense to supplement some.
If you are taking medications, ask your doctor or pharmacist if the ones you take reduce your CoQ10 levels… statins are widely known to deplete one’s CoQ10, but there are other medications that do, too.
As always, we remind you not to self-diagnose or self-treat… get your health professional’s advice for your unique self… your health is too important for guess work! And now you know you can treat yourself to a relaxing bath daily and enjoy it even more knowing its health benefits.
And the answer is "yes" if you were wondering if people ever add Willard's Water to their bath water... some say they find it more relaxing, some say they think their skin feels better with it, and a lot of people really love our Ultimate Naturals Soaps... made with the Ultimate Catalyst Altered Water and other ingredients. There's the Goat's Milk Soap, the Dead Sea Mud Soap, and the Very Natural soap that's just the Ultimate water with a couple other ingredients. You can read about those Here To be clear, adding WW to your bath water is not going to reduce your risks of having a heart attack or stroke, but as we said a lot of people say they enjoy their baths even more with the WW in it.
Now that you know how good baths are for one's health, you may enjoy them even more!