Can this One Item Really Do that Much for So Many People? It's Like a Cascasde of Positives...

Every person is unique.  And yet it seems to people that one substance seems to somehow help everyone. And with so many different things.  In fact so many different people say it's helped them in so many different ways, it makes many people assume everyone must just be imagining that it's helping them since logically things don't just work for that many different things.

But what if the many things it does, all go back to one thing?  But that one thing, causes another thing to happen, and that second "thing" causes a "third thing" to happen and by the time all that occurs, it's not so hard to understand the rather far-reaching results.  It's like a cascade of positives.

Which leads us to the fact that people often ask us how Willard’s Water seems to help everything. The answer is that it doesn’t.  It all comes down to its ability to boost the absorption of nutrients.  Studies have confirmed that it even boosts the extremely hard-to-absorb turmeric… one of the hardest of all things to absorb.  In fact WW improved turmeric’s absorption better than anything else ever had.
But that’s not all.  When the body absorbs a higher percentage of the nutrients it needs, it also absorbs more antioxidants.  And when a body absorbs more antioxidants, those additional antioxidants result in more free radical scavenging by the body.  So what good does that do?
First, we must understand what free radicals do in the human body.  It gets complicated, but here is — verbatim — what an abstract of a article about “The role of free radicals in disease” published in, from US Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, had to say about free radicals:
“Evidence is accumulating that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict humanity have their origin in deleterious free radical reactions. These diseases include atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia and degenerative eye disease. The process of biological ageing might also have a free radical basis. Most free radical damage to cells involves oxygen free radicals or, more generally, activated oxygen species (AOS) which include non-radical species such as singlet oxygen and hydrogen peroxide as well as free radicals. The AOS can damage genetic material, cause lipid peroxidation in cell membranes, and inactivate membrane-bound enzymes. Humans are well endowed with antioxidant defenses against AOS; these antioxidants, or free radical scavengers, include ascorbic acid (vitamin C), alphatocopherol (vitamin E), betacarotene, coenzyme Q10, enzymes such as catalase and superoxide dismutase, and trace elements including selenium and zinc. The eye is an organ with intense AOS activity, and it requires high levels of antioxidants to protect its unsaturated fatty acids. The human species is not genetically adapted to survive past middle age, and it appears that antioxidant supplementation of our diet is needed to ensure a more healthy elderly population.”
To be clear, we are NOT saying WW does or might do all those things listed in the above quote about free radicals, or even that it would do any particular ones listed there.  We included that quote to make it clear how many health issues are created by or linked to, free radicals.
And since WW has been established to ultimately result in more activity to fight free radicals in the body, it would seem having WW “on your side” is likely a pretty positive thing.
We are just lay people but we’ve always thought just having WW increase one’s absorption of nutrients was a pretty major thing itself.  Think about it… if two different people both start regularly drinking WW and they both have a health problem get better or go away, they think WW “is good for” those two things… but it really did just one thing.
Let’s say one of them had problems seeing at night and the other bruised very easily.  So if both problems got better after drinking WW, they might erroneously decide “WW is good for night vision and to stop bruising so easily”. That would be wrong.  Again, we’re just lay people but it’s our understanding that what WW more likely did was to boost one person’s absorption of Vitamin A and that person started seeing better at night, and it may have helped the other person absorb more Vitamin C and that may have reduced that person's body from bruising so easily.
All WW did was possibly boost their absorption of those two nutrients.  Now multiply the number of nutrients the human body needs to function at its best, and then think about how many heath problems may be linked to each of those nutrients, and try to imagine how many different health changes people might notice just from the increased absorption of nutrients WW has been determined to do.   
And now add to that potential huge number of ways the increased nutrient absorption combined with the increased antioxidant and free radical scavenging that results from the increased nutrient absorption, might ultimately total.   
It starts to look like WW doing that one thing, that leads to those other “two things”, might explain how so many different people report so many different “benefits” they think they got from WW.  WW is NOT a treatment for anything.  But when it boosts the absorption of a nutrient someone’s body wasn’t very good at absorbing, the human body can do some remarkable things.  And when you add in the additional antioxidant activity plus the additional free radical scavenging that results from that better absorption of nutrients, it doesn’t seem so hard to understand how so many people report so many good things happening with their regular WW use.  As Dr. Willard always told us, WW isn’t a treatment for anything, it just helps the body to perform its functions better, when it gets more of what it needs.                                                

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