Shed Some Light on a Free & Easy Way to Help Weight Loss?
You will likely be surprised to learn that research has found a way to boost weight loss without using exercise, supplements, or calorie restriction.  You may want to add those helpful weight loss techniques to this new one, but the new, free and easy one, did not require them.

Research has found the timing, intensity, and duration of light exposure during the day is linked to your weight.  The impact of morning light on weight was  independent of a person’s physical activity level, caloric intake, sleep timing, age, or season. People who got most of their daily exposure to even moderately bright light in the morning had a significantly lower body mass index (BMI) than those who got most of their light exposure later in the day. Per Kathryn Reid, research associate professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, “the earlier light exposure occurred during the day, the lower the individual’s body mass index; the later the hour of moderately bright light exposure, the higher a person’s BMI”.

The senior study author, Phyllis C. Zee, M.D. explained that “light is the most potent agent to synchronize circadian rhythms, which in turn also regulate energy balance”— and therefore metabolism.  She said “the message is that you should get more bright light between 8 a.m. and noon.”  About 20 to 30 minutes of morning light is enough to affect  BMI.

Most indoor lighting is about 200 to 300 lux… the study found 500 lux was the minimum threshold for a lower BMI. Even on a cloudy day outdoor light is more than 1,000 lux of brightness.  It’s difficult to get it that bright indoors, but the 500 lux did show results. Reid said light has potential to be used for weight loss just as people try to get more sleep to help weight loss.

Speaking of sleep, remember to keep your lighting dimmed prior to going to bed for better sleep… we’ve read that eexperts suggest it’s best to have just soft lighting for an hour or two before going to bed..  Sleep well and then enjoy the morning light!                                    


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