FDA Warning for Dog Owners
Many dog owners in trying to protect their dogs wash their dogs’ paws.  Some have even used sanitizer on their dogs’ paws as well as using it on their own hands. 

HOWEVER... HEAR THIS — Do NOT use hand sanitizer on your dogs’ paws because, according to the FDA it “can cause poisoning if absorbed through their skin… and can make your dog sick if it’s eaten”.  

The hand sanitizer can dry out the dogs paws which can make them crack and become sore.  As we all know, dogs lick injuries or what hurts… even one or two licks of hand sanitizer might be dangerous for dogs… a small amount can lead to digestive problems for your dog, including diarrhea and vomiting.  Ethyl alcohol poisoning can be fatal in dogs. 

If you think your dog has ingested any hand sanitizer, call your vet immediately.  Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning include: drowsiness, lack of coordination, slow breathing, and slow reflexes. Cleaning your dogs' paws regularly s a good idea according to veterinarians, and some say just cleaning them with a mild soap is good, and there are also some hand wipes made for dogs.

In an article she wrote for Whole Dog Journal back in 2013, C.J. Puotinen said she used our Ultimate Naturals Very Natural Soap on her dog and was very impressed with it and recommended it for dogs.  After that a lot of our customers started using our Very Natural Soap on their dogs when bathing them, and they say they really like it and their dogs  seem to as well.  So it might be something to consider using when just washing their paws, or their “hands and feet” as some of us call them!  

Tip: The fastest way to get the soaps and lotions is to order them by phone -- you are welcome to order them online on our website www.WillardsWater.com, but orders for the soaps and lotions can be processed faster if ordered by phone, due to a sort of glitch in the online processing of the soaps and lotions.  The Willards Water is not delayed by ordering it online -- the issue is only with the soaps and lotions -- but the Willards Water can of course always be ordered by phone as well so if you phone in your order for soaps and lotions you can order your Willards Water at the same time without delays for either of them.  Our Toll Free Number is 1-800-447-4793. 

Stay Well! And give your dogs a hug from us!

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The products and the information provided about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problems or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a health problem. Note: Willard Water is not available for sale from us for use as a livestock feed in Iowa due to labeling requirements.